Showing posts with label leading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leading. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

We are their superhero!!!

Have you ever felt like you aren't capable of being a great mother? Like you might fail them because
of the things that you have done in your past, or because you don't feel qualified enough. Having children is the one thing that people can give advice on, but in the end it is all trial and error.

Even now that I have been a mom for a while sometimes I still feel "can I do this and not mess these beautiful babies up"? With my attitude that I am working on everyday, I worry. I pray that they don't have the same type of attitude I have. We are the person the look up to just like their favorite superhero.

I know that my mouth has got me into a whole lot of trouble and I don't want that for them. Making sure that they don't see me getting in to it with people is a big deal to me. I am learning that control is the key to making sure it doesn't happen.

I get so scared with all these crazy folks that are in this world. We send are kids to school to get the best education they can get, and not to be hurt. Sariah and I were talking the other day and she told me that she didn't know if she wanted to go to first grade because she was nervous about the kids. Also she is worried that the teacher wont teach her anything. It is time for superhero mom to the rescue.

That is something that I am worried about all the time too. I think as a mom we always worry about the little things. Am I going to mess them up? Is this world so messed up that it might interfere with my children way of life?

I want more then anything in this world to always protect them, but I know that all I can do is make sure I teach them the ways of the world. As I am getting ready to send Sariah to school in the next couple of weeks I am making sure that I teach her, right and wrong.

Never again will I allow for her to get beat up and think that if she fights back that she will get in trouble with me. My poor little girl thought because the teachers say "If you fight or touch someone else, you will have to flip a card. Also you will be a bad kid." that she couldn't defend herself. Not ever will this happen.

It is very important that no matter what age you sit down with your kids and explain to them the importance of self defense, and bullies. They are in every school people. Don't be naïve and think that your child is safe.

As a mother it is are job to lead and protect. Make a difference and talk everyday with your kids. It will help them in the end, and make you feel more capable to be their mom. Having an open door policy with them is key to great parenting. After all we are their superhero mom.

If you don't have an open door someone else will. Not a good look, nor is that the safest thing in todays world.

Thank you for reading and I love you all.