Showing posts with label unfit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unfit. Show all posts

Friday, July 25, 2014

Thoughts in our head!!!

Why cant I do everything like her? She really seems to have it together. Dang, she even has more kids than me. What is going on with me. Am I even fit to be their mom?

I saw this after writing my blog, and
said yes this is totally for my blog.
Sometimes as a mom these thoughts can enter your mind, even if you wont admit. Which lets face it most of you wont. You cant even admit when your frustrated for the fear of someone judging you. I say judge away if you want, it makes me no difference.

I am so far from being "the perfect mom", but I honestly don't want to be quote on quote perfect. I love being who I am. Human. I feel everything from pain, hurt to sadness as well as joy, happiness and love. Some turn those feelings off. I love being in touch with my emotions because it allows me to be a better mom to my kids.

When they are hurting, I hurt, and when they are happy, I am happy. Me and my children are in sync with one another. Which is very important to me. I can tell at the drop of a dime when something is not right with them. I don't even have to hear them cry or see their faces down and out.

Paying attention to their body language and they way they eat is a big part of knowing if something is wrong or not. Never for a second should you second guess the decisions in life you make. Most of the time your first instinct is usually right on point. Lets be honest, if you are second guessing yourself why wouldn't the world?

Just because someone seems like they "have it together", doesn't mean they are even close. People it is called great acting skills. God made us all different, no two people are the same. He didn't do that by mistake either.

We are designed to handle situations different and children different. That way we can intervene with help if something isn't working out for a friend or family. I love to get advice from seasoned folks. Now let me elaborate.

Please don't give me your unsolicited advice if I haven't asked. That can make the situation at hand way worse. If I do come to you please know it is because I really and truly would appreciate your help. Moms stick firm to this. Don't allow people to make you feel bad and less than. If you don't want the help let them know in a respectful manner.

A lot of times mother to mother, we over step our boundaries. You can lose family and friends for this. It isn't our place to judge someone, when half of the time we probably don't even have half of or shit together. Just being honest.

Don't doubt yourself. God saw fit for you to be the mom to your child/children. He is never wrong. So pull up your big girl panties and your mom cape, and rule the world. Okay well your household world. LOL. Hope you have an amazing day.