Showing posts with label value. Show all posts
Showing posts with label value. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Book, books and more books.

Who loves doing things with your kids? I know I do. How about doing things that they will love that cost you absolutely nothing? Even better right? Yes!!! So, I am pretty sure that I have mentioned this once or twice, but me and my girls love going to the library. Especially during school time., but since I spend probably way too much money on books and right now is saving time to buy our house, I figured why not head out for a morning trip and explore our new library (its not new to the city, but since we are new, it is new).

Let me tell you ladies and gentlemen (if any men read this). When I tell you that this library blew me away from the moment that I walked in. Honey I didn't want to leave, 38 books later.

I am going to tell you exactly why I am in love. Over the last 25 years of my life I have been to numerous amounts of library's, and have never found one that has baby (0-18 months) books. I mean a full section dedicated to them. Okay! The icing on top of the cake: During the week activities for free just for them.

How exciting? I know, I am probably a little to geeked up, but when I tell you that one of our family favorite things to do is read. I am not joking. If I have $10.00 left to my name and my kids want a book, I would buy it. That is how crazy we are about books.

This library had the sections, sectioned out into easy reading to full on chapter teen reading. I mean beginner sections, baby sections, first grade, second grade and so on and so forth. They offer homework tutoring for all grades. How great is that? They also do story time during the week for different ages. Also are hosting healthy cooking for children with the college.

I am so excited to go back next time and get more books. Moms and dads if spending money on books is not something you can afford (because let me be honest they are expensive) check your local libraries. I am sure they have activities as well. Just ask the clerk for a calendar, and ask about activities for the kids.

If you have a busy schedule and cant go during the week they usually will have 1 on the weekend.

Its crazy because thinking back on my baby showers, I wish that I would have got books. They are so sentimental. You can use the inside cover as a card with a message to the little blessing (the baby) that will one day be old enough to read and cherish. Whenever I buy a special book for my girls, I write a personal message to them about the reasoning behind the book. Its just a little something that can go along way. (Leah, I hope you will enjoy this one, love you).

Love you for reading!!!