Showing posts with label spa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spa. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Do you!!!

"I need a break from the kids, I just want some me time". Can anyone else relate to this? I am almost
I took some time for myself, and I enjoyed
every moment. Tamar and I at her concert.
Meet and greet baby!!!
sure that every mom goes through this. I see a lot of people asking me questions about not losing themselves. Well I believe that the one way is to definitely have some mommy me time.

Some moms are scared to take a few hours to themselves. I am not saying that you need to leave the country and go away for a week. Just a couple of hours away will do you some good. I know that I like to take a trip to the nail shop and then to Barnes and noble. That is me though. There are so many things that you can do in a short amount of time that will take you away from all the madness going on at home. Yes I did just say madness.

When your house looks like a tornado went through it, and the kids are screaming at each other and fighting. When your husband seems like he has a stick up his ass. It is time to do something for you. You deserve it. You are the glue that holds the family together so why shouldn't you go out and take your mind away for a second?

Since moving away from my friends and family I have only done a few things for me. My most favorite thing was going to Tamar Braxton's concert. Yes, I went by myself and had the time of my life. I notice that having kids has given me the courage to step out on my own. Something that I would have never done back home if I didn't have kids.

I am starting to find "Myself". This is something a lot of moms struggle with. Your whole identity is not "mom". Don't ever forget that. That is only apart of who you are, not a whole. Once you can look in the mirror and recognize this then you will finally be able to set a side a day and time for just you.

For me it is hard because I stay at home with the kids and Shawn is always working to provide for our family, but if he is home for the day mommy is stepping out to do her. I don't do clubs because I don't like to be around a bunch of ignorant people that can only seems to express themselves because they have been drinking. Now I am not judging those of you that like the club, but this momma say "No Thank You".

If you don't feel good about yourself and know who you are, how can you teach your children to find who they are? It is impossible. We give so much of ourselves that we end up losing "us". It is time to take some of "you" and treat it with love and care. I say "date yourself".  Get all done up and do you. Stop worrying about what others will think and say. Who cares?

As a mom we are superheroes in our own right. Even superheroes need a break. Remember if mom isn't happy, then no one is happy. Enjoy the women that you are. Hit up the nail shop, spa or take yourself to a movie. Although, why hide all that sexy in the dark, okay!!!

I love you all for reading. I hope this helped someone.