Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A Journey, A Lifestyle

Have you ever wanted something so bad and cant seem to figure out why you are not getting the results you want? When you really sit and think about it you are only dedicated to working maybe 33% of you time for that goal? I think we have all been there. Its always something... "Im too busy, I have too many kids, I am tired.". You know its true!!!

The reason I ask today is because I am not were I want to be nor have I ever been happy about were I am. I feel like I try and try but yet I am still stuck... I know that I have been gone for a while on blogging and I definitely needed to be. I have had a few things that have been happening in my life and now that I understand what to do I am ready but, that is for another blog....

I want to help you get to a place of new beginnings. First things first you need to have a mindset for change... That is the key to being successful in your journey. That is what this is "A JOURNEY, A LIFESTYLE."

Right before you begin this journey I strongly suggest that you go to your primary doctor and make sure that your health is okay. Now remember what works for one might not work for you (I have learned this). Now you can start easing your way into this journey before your doctors appointment, but remember to start out slow.

Some people like to go cold turkey and then they wonder why they end up falling off around week 2 or 3. Slow and steady is the best way to begin.  Now here are the steps.

  1. Meditation (This is all about your mindset)
  2. Changing bad habits (Drinking everyday, smoking, etc.)
  3. Clean eating (fruit instead of candy)
  4. Working out (Fuels energy)
  5. Dedication/ Perseverance (Sticking with it and pushing forward)
  6. Food journal (What am I eating?) 
  7. Accountability group (People that are in your corner)

It is a start that everyone needs to take, lets do this together. Who is with me? If your ready to change your life today let me know. I am here to help you in this journey. I am still in mine and would love some great company.

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