PICTURE WALL

This idea and many others comes from pintrest. I just arranged it how I
wanted it to be in my home!
The first thing that you need to have, is a free wall. It doesn't have to be gigantic, just big enough to put some pictures. I decided on a wall in my dinning area because it is the focal point in my home. I love the way it came out, and I hope that you will enjoy it as well.

We are currently living in an apartment, so we didn't want to put holes in the wall. I went to my local Target and purchased some Command Brand Damage- Free Hanging Strips. (I am so in love with these). They are amazing. I also went to my local Hobby Lobby to purchase the word art and the Letter T. My all time favorite store. Here is what you are going to need:

  1. Picture frames ( I used all different sizes, shapes, colors and styles).
  2. Command strips (Two to each frame depending on size you may need more).
  3. Wall Quotes, and or wall words.
  4. Rubbing Alcohol
  5. Begin
I bought this at Target for $12.99
and just cut them in to individual
My first thing that I did that was very important was I laid all the pictures on the floor and arranged them how I would want the to be on my wall. It allowed me to move them around without taking them off and putting them back up. That would have been annoying and very time consuming. I bought the Wall quotes all together, and then cut them out into individual words. Reason being is because they are very expensive if you buy the words on there own.
Side Note: The dollar tree does sale quotes. I bought mine at target for $12.99 and saved a lot by making it my own.

After you need to wipe the surface down with Rubbing Alcohol. Let it dry before applying your
I purchased mine at Target for about
$9 dollars.
They are sold everywhere though.
strips. Now on the back of the command package it says to apply your pictures and then hold for 30 sec, after which you should wait 1 hour before mounting your frames. I didn't. I am not even going to lie. I had no falling issues at all with my frame. I also didn't use 4 strips per frame. Depending on the size and weight I used 1 to 2. I am frugal and not about to waste product because the company wants you to buy more. They are not very cheap. The Strips for the medium and large mixed pack cost about $9.00. I had to buy 3 packs.

In between each picture I would put a word up, then another picture, then a word. So on and so fourth until everything was put up where I wanted it to go. I didn't have help from anyone, I did it own my own. It is very easy to do and the outcome is beautiful. It took me about 1 hour to stick the strips on and place them on the wall. Not to bad. I had all of the frames so I didn't have to spend out of pocket on those. All in all I spent a total of around $60 dollars. That is for the words, the strips and the words and quote art from Hobby Lobby.

When I come home this is the first thing I see, and I am so in love with it. I hope this is something that you will enjoy as well.

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