A rough journey

March 22, 2014 at 5:36pm my son entered into this world. I cant believe he is already 4 months. It feels like just yesterday I was pushing him out and now he is baby talking and sitting up. He is already wearing 3/6 but mostly 6 month clothes already. He is my last little blessing he isn't suppose to grow so fast.

The first few weeks of Logan's life were very stressful. He was in and out of the hospital since birth. The initial reason was because I noticed that he looked jaundice. Which is very common or my kids. It only took me 3 kids to figure out why. I am A+ and my kids are O-. I should have been given shots my last months of pregnancy or even will in labor it would have helped them.
I spent over 5 hours in the ER with Logan when he was only 3 days old. I was so pissed at the hospital because they didn't have isolation rooms where newborns could go so that the germs that were in the hospital wouldn't affect him. 5 hours and they would not keep him because his level was .6 under what it has to be to be admitted. Now you think they would keep him since my other two were extremely high with jaundice. Nope.

Two days later I took him into his pediatric office and his levels had shot up. The problem was the doctor that saw him had no admitting authority. You know what that means. Back to the ER. At least I had lab work results. Wrong.

I knew I would be back. I took him because he was lethargic from not wanting to eat and his levels were high. He was very sick. Do you know after countless, sleepless hours they finally admitted him. His levels had gone up so high and they still wanted to send him home. I had to fight with them and tell them I am not leaving no matter what, if something happens to my son there is going to be a problem. He wasn't eating for crying out loud didn't they care? Two days later the neonatologist came in to see Logan. He told me that his levels had went down and he could go home. Thank God we were so ready to leave.

A few days later I could see that his skin was going back yellow and his eyes were so bright, it was scary. He had rebounded, which just means that even though his levels went down they shot back up. The reason that we ended up back at the hospital was because Logan Stopped breathing not the jaundice. I didn't know what was wrong. I felt helpless and scared. I was lucky I had an amazing neighbor who became an amazing friend come help. I lost it, I absolutely lost it.

The ambulance took us to the ER and we still sat and waited forever. They hooked him up to heart monitor's drew his blood (which the phlebotomist sucked), and tested him for RSV (this is a Respiratory virus). His levels were very high again, but everything else seemed fine. No RSV they said. They wanted to admit him for further tests, and watch him to see if he had sleep apnea.

I got upstairs only to be told "the neonatologist only wants to treat him for jaundice". Didn't they know I came in by ambulance with my son for not breathing? I was furious. I wanted the Dr. to come in and help me understand why they weren't testing him. They said id have to wait till tomorrow.

The Dr. came in and was very rude. He told me the only reason that they even take jaundice patients is so they (being the hospital) doesn't get sued. Who does that? I expressed my concerns about my son not breathing and he totally disregarded my feelings. I wanted out of there now is all I could think. That night Logan had a low grade fever, none the less still a fever. A one week old baby shouldn't have one. They let us go the next day.

Logan seemed to be doing better but now he was having trouble breathing. He ended up coughing and sounding so horrible. My poor baby. My wonderful neighbor (my good friend) came over and said ill drive you down to Loma Linda lets go. We got there and at least 3 people came to check him out and see how he was. They thought that it was just a virus that his body would have to fight off. They sent me home with a lot of saline and said to keep suctioning him out. I was doing everything right.

I thought "great he should be fine". The next day he still wasn't 100% himself. I got home from the girls cheer photo-shoot, and went to suction his nose because I could hear that he could not breath. When all of a sudden my baby turned blue/ purple. I immediately called 911. The worst part was Sariah saw it happen. She was freaking out. It took the ambulance forever to arrive.

As soon as they got there they took us straight to the hospital not playing around. We spent all afternoon in the ER at a different hospital then before. The only issue was they didn't work with Peds., so that meant we would have to be transferred. After countless blood draws and chest x-rays they thought he had an ammonia. I was scared because I didn't understand how he could get that.

We were transferred to Loma Linda Children's Hospital. They took great care of him. He was there
for a week not doing good. His body was weak from being sick. Now Saint Mary's told me that he didn't have RSV twice, but the test at Loma Linda told a different story. He had it and it was bad. He kept getting fevers, so they put him on antibiotics. Which is not really good for newborns. My faith was tested.

I couldn't for the life of me understand why this was happening to my baby. I began to blame myself and think that I did something wrong. That wasn't the case. The Dr. made very sure to let me know it was out of my hands. He contracted it from the hospital he was born at. After him being there for a week he was starting to get better.

Countless days of breathing treatments every 3 hours, antibiotics and deep suctioning my baby could finally go home. We still have scares every now and again with his breathing and choking., but nothing like before. He is thriving and growing well. I am so grateful for those that prayed for his health and mine and Shawn strength. It was a test of our faith and love for one another. A sick baby can either make or break you.

I am so glad that today we can celebrate Logan turning 4 months. His health is great and I am loving every moment with him. All the crying, poopy diapers and throw up I usually wear as a form of decoration. It is all worth it. I love you little man. Happy 4 months.

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