Sunday, July 27, 2014

Need help

That moment you've tried everything and it seems as though your kids still don't
listen. It is so hard, because I've tried it all and still they aren't listening. No this doesn't make me a bad mother, it makes me " a mother".


Sariah and Kamille seem to be working in cahoots with one another. I cant for the life of me figure out what it is I can do. I feel like I've tried everything. I have went through all their toys and got rid of a bunch. I take away their DS games. No Netflix, ipad or any electronics. It doesn't phase them.


Now im sure a few are thinking "just whoop them girl". Only if that worked. Some children don't care about a getting whooped. That would be mine. Being whooped doesn't always help, trust me. I know a few that used to get their behinds whooped and they are not better off than before.


So what is left to do? They are 4 and 5 years old. I cant make them do standards they wouldn't understand why. I can make them do community service because they are to little. So, what is left?


Has anyone else had this issue and overcome it? Please let me know. I know that I cant be the only one that is experiencing this.


I don't feel incapable of punishing them. I just feel like what I am doing is not working anymore. They are very strong headed girls. I cant be mad at that because so am I. I wasn't the best child and we all know that.

Listening was not my forte. So if anyone had any suggestions that might help, please let me know. Thank you everyone.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


From the moment you think "I might be", to the moment you find
out "I am" "You are a mother". Even if you never heard the heart beat "You are a mother". Just because you didn't get to feel their kick "You are a mother". Even though you never will get to take them home, "You are a mother". So what you had to give them up for adoption "You are a mother". If you didn't get the chance to watch them grow because they got their angel wings earlier than expected "You are a mother". Its okay you had to play mommy and daddy. "You are a mother".

"I am looking forward to seeing the kind of person my son will be. His little personality and his little smile. I am a mother".

"I hate the teenager years, the mood swings, the "mad"itudes for no apparent reason. I am a mother".

"They are my motivation to pull through in life. I am a mother".

"I hate that because I have spoiled them rotten that when I say I don't have it, they don't understand. I am a mother".

"I love the unconditional love that each kid gives to me. I am a mother".

"I hate that I cant protect them from the pain and hurt in the world. Having to let them make their own mistakes. I am a mother".

Regardless of your situation "you are a mother". Some say that if you don't
physically have the child you are not. I say other wise. I celebrate each and everyone of you today. "You are a mother".

"I love the thoughtful things my children do/say without being asked. I am a mother".
"I am not looking forward to the dark thoughts I know will come at night. That I am not able to be the mommy I want to be. I am a mother".

"I love that becoming a mother exposed me to the world of holistic health care. I am a mother".

"I hate mommy wars. I am a mother".

"I love the simple joy that my daughter finds in life, like bubbles and flowers. I am a mother".

"I hate the first trimester of pregnancy. All the sickness its awful. I am a mother".

In life we have obstacles. Some that are easy and some that we really have
to work hard to overcome. Becoming pregnant is one of those obstacles. For some there mere thought of a baby gets them pregnant. That isn't the case for everyone. Some may never get to experience the joys of motherhood through the womb., but by adoption. "You are a mother".

"I love the immediate indescribable love you feel for your kids. I feel it most at night while rocking mine to sleep. I am a mother".
"I hate that I cant ever give up. It is especially hard when I have so much going on in life and I cant deal. I am a mother".

"I love seeing my child apply something that I taught. I am a mother".

"I hate that my kids are old enough to make their own decision and I have to accept them, even though I know the are making a mistake. I am a mother".

"I love that when I am down and out and thinking negative thoughts about leaving this place, just thinking about my kids saves me. I am a mother".

"I am not looking forward to my post-partum body. I am a mother".

Being a parent is a different experience for everyone. Sometimes we get pregnant and we don't feel like it is our time to become a mother. We aren't ready. We think about "do I keep it, get rid of it, what am I going to do"? Adoption becomes an answered pray to some family. "You are a mother".

" I love seeing her every morning and every night just smile at me. I'm finally a real mommy, and it's such a great feeling. I am a mother".

"I hate that he is so far away and there is nothing I can do about it. I never regret my decision to place him for adoption, but sometimes I wish circumstances had been different when he was born so I could have him now. I miss him so much, and there will always be something missing in my heart, but I know I gave him the world. Had I kept him, he probably wouldn't be in my custody now. I am a mother".

"I love watching my son grow. Watching him reach milestones and seeing his personality shine through. I am a mother".

"I hate I feel like I failed my daughter, because I picked a man wouldn't be my husband or a father to her. I am a mother"."

"I am looking forward to breastfeeding. I know it is going to be difficult, but I want to bond/connect and look into her eyes. I am a mother".

"I hate people questioning my parenting especially when I didn't ask for an opinion. I am a mother".

Just because things didn't play out the way you wanted you haven't failed. Sometimes life gets in the way. We do things we aren't proud of, and make choices we soon regret. "You are a mother".

"I love that we will always be a family despite our situation. I am a mother".

"I hate the anxiety that comes with motherhood. I constantly doubt myself, am I doing everything right. I am a mother".

"I love spending time with my daughter, watching her grow and blossom into the young lady she is. I am a mother".

"I hate feeling alone with our kids even though I have a husband home. I am a mother".

"I love that I am able to witness her many talents. She bring joy and
happiness to my heart. I am a mother".

"I hate my pregnancies are so hard that I never get to enjoy them. I am a mother".
     Psalms 127:3 
Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.

No matter how you were blessed with them, they are your gifts. Love them and cherish the moments you have together. It may get rough, you may lose sleep. But, their are women dying to have the opportunity to become a mother. Don't take it for granted.

No one may ever tell you this but only once a year, and to me that is not enough. We moms are under appreciated. From one mother to the next I will celebrate you and this wonderful thing we get to call motherhood. Lets make a difference in the world. Not judging each other but uplifting one another. I love you all and believe in you. No matter what circumstance you are in or have been in.
                                                             "YOU ARE A MOTHER"!!!


Friday, July 25, 2014

My day!

Today was a lazy kind of day, really didn't do to much. Not feeling too good if you ask me. I did although
head over to the college to see about not retaking the placement test. I finally received my transcripts. It seems like forever. I guess because I am not physically in Long Beach. They make you download a page, print it out sign it, and then fax it over.

It felt like I had to pull teeth in order to get "my" transcripts, but I did it. Thank God. Anyways I have to go back Monday to talk with The English department and Math department so they can give me my classes. I am so blessed to take the first few steps so I can go back to school and further my education again. If I could I think I would stay in school forever, I actually enjoy it...

After that we went to target for a few items and then back home. Like I said my body isn't feeing well. Not sure if it is this heat that is getting to me or what. I cant be sick though I have 3 little ones depending on my every move... HELP!!! LOL. Ill be fine though.

Now we are watching the movie "Cars" Logan actually sits and pays attention. It is so cute. I think he is more alert than Sariah and Kamille were at his age. Babies these days are so smart and much more advanced.

While watching the movie, Kamille is attempting to make my hair look like Elsa from the movie FROZEN!!! She does this at least twice a day, it is so sweet. She acts like she is making a YouTube video for her fans. LOL.

Bath time is next for them and then story time. Hopefully they will call it a night early because mommy needs some quite time. I am so excited for this blog that I am doing for tomorrow. I cant wait, and I  really am hoping that everyone is going to enjoy it.

I am so grateful for all that sent in. It makes this blog that much more special. Well everyone it is an early night for me. I have a lot to get together in order to make my blog special in the way I want. Have a great night.

A quick message to my readers.

Inspiration is something that I look for when I look for friends, other mothers or people just in my circle. If when I see you or talk to you all you can do is be negative I cant continue to be around. If you cant see the vision it wont come to pass.

As a mother times get hard but I push through. I may cry all the way through but at least I didn't give up. I see what is in store for my future and no one can change what God has planned out for me. No one. I  am finally walking in my purpose, and loving every moment.

I may not be exactly where I want to be, but I am headed there. I couldn't be more excited, and I want to take you all on the journey with me. That's why I have started blogging. I want to be able to look back over my life and read my every thought, emotion and feelings.

I hope that these blogs are something that you look forward to when you get a free moment to sit down and read. I know that I enjoy writing them. It just flows so naturally out of my belly and into the computer. I don't even have to cluster my thoughts on paper. I just sit down and start writing.

Each day I may not write as many as the others, but know that I am constantly thinking about topics I want to touch on. Doing this is allowing me to help someone out there. I can feel it in my bones. My advice may not be for you in particular, but I hope that it still touches you in a way that can help someone in your circle.

I just wanted to take a few seconds to say, "I appreciate you, yes you". The ones that are taking time to read my blogs. I never thought I would actually do it because I was afraid of rejection from people.

I didn't have a father growing up so I always felt rejected, and no matter what anyone says it plays a big role in a girls life. After lots of failed relationships with family, friends, boyfriends. I love where I am today. I have an amazing husband, 3 beautiful babies and a place I can call my own. "daily diaries of their mom"!!!

Thank you again!

Thoughts in our head!!!

Why cant I do everything like her? She really seems to have it together. Dang, she even has more kids than me. What is going on with me. Am I even fit to be their mom?

I saw this after writing my blog, and
said yes this is totally for my blog.
Sometimes as a mom these thoughts can enter your mind, even if you wont admit. Which lets face it most of you wont. You cant even admit when your frustrated for the fear of someone judging you. I say judge away if you want, it makes me no difference.

I am so far from being "the perfect mom", but I honestly don't want to be quote on quote perfect. I love being who I am. Human. I feel everything from pain, hurt to sadness as well as joy, happiness and love. Some turn those feelings off. I love being in touch with my emotions because it allows me to be a better mom to my kids.

When they are hurting, I hurt, and when they are happy, I am happy. Me and my children are in sync with one another. Which is very important to me. I can tell at the drop of a dime when something is not right with them. I don't even have to hear them cry or see their faces down and out.

Paying attention to their body language and they way they eat is a big part of knowing if something is wrong or not. Never for a second should you second guess the decisions in life you make. Most of the time your first instinct is usually right on point. Lets be honest, if you are second guessing yourself why wouldn't the world?

Just because someone seems like they "have it together", doesn't mean they are even close. People it is called great acting skills. God made us all different, no two people are the same. He didn't do that by mistake either.

We are designed to handle situations different and children different. That way we can intervene with help if something isn't working out for a friend or family. I love to get advice from seasoned folks. Now let me elaborate.

Please don't give me your unsolicited advice if I haven't asked. That can make the situation at hand way worse. If I do come to you please know it is because I really and truly would appreciate your help. Moms stick firm to this. Don't allow people to make you feel bad and less than. If you don't want the help let them know in a respectful manner.

A lot of times mother to mother, we over step our boundaries. You can lose family and friends for this. It isn't our place to judge someone, when half of the time we probably don't even have half of or shit together. Just being honest.

Don't doubt yourself. God saw fit for you to be the mom to your child/children. He is never wrong. So pull up your big girl panties and your mom cape, and rule the world. Okay well your household world. LOL. Hope you have an amazing day.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The best part of my day!!!

The best part of my day is night. Giving all my kids their baths and then choosing the stories that we are going to read for the night. Usually the girls choose a chapter book because they feel older. Anything pleases them at this age. Currently we are reading the Junie B books which are kind of amusing if you ask me.

After the girls have had their books or book read it is milk time and good night (hopefully). Going to sleep is not their favorite part of the day. That will change one day though. For now its like pulling teeth. We say our prayers together and then I hope that they will be quite enough for me to get little man to sleep.

Once I am finished with them, Logan gets his special bath then lotion time. One thing I can say is after a baby has had a bath if you spend time massaging them with a calming lotion, it makes going to bed a lot faster. Just a little tip. Anyways after getting him dressed me and him choose three kid (baby) books (yes I said, me and him). The little ones that are hard pages.

I love seeing his eyes open up so wide when we are reading. I mean this little boy become fixated with the story. So cute I tell you. We either finish bed time with "I love you, goodnight" (which I just picked up and am so in love with) or "Love you forever" (my all time favorite).

Then night light with moving pictures and music is on. I say a prayer with him and rock him back and fourth till he is out. It melts my heart watching my kids sleep. The best feeling in the world is knowing "they are mine, all mine".

It is a reward everyday to me watching them rest so peacefully. Being a mother is such a hard job. One that most get no credit for, nor do we ask for it. Just seeing them in their beds tucked in under the covers lets me know "Kayleigh, you are doing a great job". It is nice to hear those words from time to time, but as long as my kids are alive and healthy I feel accomplished.

I am a blessed women and if all else fails in my life, at least I have my children. They will always love me despite my flaws. I am grateful for them.

Make it fun!!!

Food is so important. Although a lot of kids just want junk all day, its your job to explain why they need good healthy food. I am not perfect with healthy food. I do let my girls indulged in chips and cookies. I wont deprive them of the things they really like. It is all about moderation people. So here are a few tips.

How I make my kids eat all their food (yes, even their veggies):
  1. Don't give them too much (remember their belly is small)
  2. Make there food look fun (finger foods, colorful veggies even skewers).
  3. Let them know they cant have anything else (if they cant eat what's given, then they need nothing else for the night (Even if they get hungry).
  4. No desert for the night (That means no ice cream, even if the other kids get ice cream stick to it, and be firm. Explain to them, and tell them "Oh, Well its your fault you should have ate).
  5. Tell them how veggies make them strong and healthy (this is my kids favorite thing to hear).
A lot of kids don't understand the whole, there are people starving in other countries statement. I've tried and even showed them. It just isn't something that a 4 and 5 year old can really grasp. Making kid friendly food is a must. My girls love using their fingers. So carrots, broccoli and chicken is something we eat a lot. I make them different though. Never the same seasonings unless it is their fav, which would be BBQ chicken (wet or dry).

A great breakfast food that is simple is a burrito. They don't need anything but the burrito. That is a plus. Although their favorite thing for breakfast is pancakes, they cant have that everyday. It is fast, simple and pleases everyone. Well usually.

Lunch is simple. Sandwiches, noodles or chicken nuggets. They love the white chicken breast
dinosaurs. They could eat them all the time. I still make them sides too. Sariah's fav thing at the moment is salads. She actually told me today "mom I want to be a vegetarian". I have no idea where she got that from, lol. Kids.

Dinner is always different, but if you let them help you make it 9 times out of 10 they will eat it. Just for the simple fact that they made it. That is sometimes all a kid needs to help prepare the food. It also gives you some special time with them. Memories are important.

Just make sure that if its something you wont eat don't make it. A lot of times kids are like the parents. Now if you don't eat veggies, still make those because they are very good for the kiddos. Hope your kids start to eat more.

None of the pictures above are mine. I just wanted to show some idea.