Saturday, June 6, 2015

Am I the only one?

It seems like there are not enough hours in the day to do all the things you want to and need to do. You wake up get yourself ready and then the kids. Give them breakfast, drop them off at school (if they are in school) and then run errands. By which now it is time to go to work. You do your job then get off and get home around 9:40 pm or later, eat dinner hop in the shower and sit down to relax and realize you didn't get everything accomplished.

Mimi and Riah!!!
Am I the only one that feels like this? I cant be!!! I would not change my life for anything even  though I am sure I have big bags under my eyes, half my makeup smeared off and I'm sure my kids are climbing up the walls, lol. I am just kidding people, calm down already................

Well now that the kids are out of school and its time to prep them for next year. I am so excited to be having two children in elementary now. Riah just got her final grades in and she has made me very proud. She made Honor Roll again. That makes for all year!!! My baby is doing so well in school. I couldn't be any more proud of her.

Mimi is counting down the days now till Kinder. My big baby girl has been so patient when it comes to school. She is already 5, but because of being a December baby she had to wait. She keeps asking "Is school tomorrow?" LOL!!! My big baby girl cant wait.

Logey Bear!!!
Logey Bear is finally walking everywhere. You cant get that boy to sit, but when he is sleeping. It is the cutest thing ever in life. He kind of runs while walking, if you can picture that. It is a beautiful thing. People always say that each baby is different and it is so true. This baby is truly a boy, Wholeheartedly. He lets you know when he is mad. I am working on him right now with his cute but very hard attitude. He has a thing for hitting and throwing things when you tell him "no". So, with that being said we are working with him right now.

My life is so full right now and I am truly blessed. Regardless of the craziness I call "LIFE" it is my life and I am grateful to be in it. I love my beautiful family. It is all mine!!!

I love you for reading and I hope that you enjoyed... Till next time... Peace, Love and Blessings!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Finally, Back again!!!

I am so excited to be back!!!
That moment that you sit back and say to yourself " Why am I wasting time and not doing the things that I love?"... I started this blog because I had things to say and I wanted to be able to help other moms and or women in general. What is going on Kay?

Well, everyone if anyone even cares "I AM BACK!!!".

I have been wondering when I would get the strength to get back at it and now I feel great. It has been so long..... I guess I should catch everyone up on what has been going on...

For one I am no longer a stay at home mom anymore ( I actually do miss it) this momma is a working...LOL. My oldest is almost finished with first grade and has maintained A/B Honors all year long (proud mommy moment). My second daughter is getting anxious for kinder next year, she even asked "Do I start tomorrow?" to the lady in the office, and my baby boy is already 1 and walking around getting into everything. I tell you I don't know where the time has gone. Next thing I know they are going to be asking "Mom, can I go out with my friends?", and I will be home crying my eyes out because my home is empty...

I tell you hold onto them and enjoy every moment you have with them. They are so special and precious to me. I am truly a blessed women.

I for one am looking forward to an amazing summer. With the trials and tribulations that I have experienced in 2014/2015 thus far, I am grateful I haven't jumped of the ledge (metaphorically speaking people). Well with that being said I just summed up very briefly what has been going on in our lives and I cant wait to get back into the world of blogging. I love it very much and cant wait to poor my heart back into it....

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Jot down!!!

As I sit here while all my kids are asleep I feel like it would be fitting to sit down and jot down some feelings. After all this is like my open diary. So Week 1 is complete and I am feeling like "I got this". Now although I don't think I did as well as I know that I could have, I am proud of myself. I feel like I have more energy and I feel great about this new "ME".

My one down fall has been food. Now although I am meal prepping and I have healthy snacks, the fat girl in me always wants some type of chocolate something. LOL. Or bread. Now I know that I am not the only one out here that loves bread.... Maybe I am just the only one to openly admit to it. Anyways, I can have just ate my food and I smell garlic from a Chinese restaurant. O M to the G I start craving it right then and there. It is totally a hot

So I am trying to find alternatives to the things I so love. Now don't get me wrong I am not going to starve myself or totally deprive myself of things I love. It is all about moderation and portion control. Some people can go completely cold turkey and never look back. Well I am here to say "that aint me."

I know what my weaknesses are and I am willing to work on them in hopes to achieving my personal goal. "Looking great and feeling good." I am so blessed to be on this journey and with other women as well.

If you are looking to get it in and get fit let me know. I am not a recruiter. I am just looking to help inspire others like I have been inspired.

I love you all for taking the time to read...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Smiling through!!!

Temptation is all around us and sometimes it is so hard to fight through them. The one thing I am doing is pushing through all of the temptations around me. I may not pass them all and that is something that I am learning to be okay with. I cant be so hard on myself that I lose focus of the end result. If you constantly get mad at yourself, you might just give up all together.

Some people don't give themselves a break during the week (a cheat day for some). I think it is totally up to the person that you are. If you are a person who needs consistency and cant go off track for one day then don't, but if you are like me and find that you deserve one day to relax and not worry so much, then take one day to yourself.

I am enjoying this journey. I have set in my mind what it is that I am looking for. It isn't about a number for me. How much weight did I lose, but more so about how I look and feel. I want to be healthy first and then like what I see. I don't care if I am 175 or 150. If I am not liking what I see in the mirror it totally defeats my purpose in this journey.

The one thing I absolutely love about this journey, is my kids in it. I love how Sariah and Kamille participate with me in T25. It is so cute. Now they do get in my way and I have to ask them to move over, but it is amazing. We influence our children. If all they see is us eat Mc Donald's then that is what they are always going to want. If we never workout are children wont. What they see is what they become accustomed to.

With that being said, I am loving everyday and I am smiling through every workout. It is time to get it in... Why not today? Why wait for tomorrow to better  yourself and your family? Lets do this TOGETHER!!!

Thank you all. I love you for reading...

Monday, September 22, 2014

Just do it!!!

I decided that the most important part of this journey is remembering that it is not going to happen over night. If I don't have to work hard for it then I  wont appreciate it. That's where my mind is. Think about it.... When you find out that your pregnant, it would be nice to have that baby in your hands right then and there, but realistically if you did it would be a miscarriage not a healthy baby. God has us wait 40 weeks maybe a little sooner but usually around 40 weeks to meet that beautiful blessing. So that the moment that we meet them we totally appreciate them.

I am not giving up at all. I am so excited to work and to see the results. I know that I might not see them for a while, but mentally i am okay with that.

One thing that is in the back of my mind is do I really set a goal weight, or just work for feeling good about myself when I look in the mirror? I've never been a girl who is about numbers. I just want to love the women I am through and through. I decided that this is my time to shine. I'm ready for this journey.
This is the dress that I purchased at Forever 21. I can wait
to get into this!!!

So I went to the mall yesterday and I've always loved Forever 21 clothes but I hate that I have to buy a size 2x in order to actually fit them. I did something that I would have never done before. I took a leap of faith and purchased a dress that I aspire to fit in by February 24, 2015. My anniversary. The size is large which would be my pre-pregnancy size before all of my kids.

I am the type that if I don't have a set date then I might fall off. I have a goal and I am excited to reach it. Today is September 22,2014 which means that I have 5 months and 2 days to get there. I am very optimistic. I believe in myself and that is the most important thing ever.

I didn't workout over the weekend. I cant even begin to front like I did. So I am counting today as day 1, week 1. I am fine with that. I hope that my journey will help someone else out. I love you all for reading.

Here goes nothing. Lets get it in!!!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Fit Journey

Day 2 Done!!!

Got it in today
I did my best by the way
Starting out I felt like I was struggling with it
But i pulled through and didn't call it quits
This journey is a new step for me
Eating clean more frequently
I'm so used to doing as I please
I forget the important things
Like health and longevity
in life that is....
I want to be able to run and play with my kids
At the park at the beach
anywhere that suits their needs
It is my goal to lose weight and get fit
I wont allow myself to lay down and rot in a pit
You will see me everyday giving it my all
Girl Imma look fly when I walk through the mall
No one can bring my down or make me stop
I am the only one and I'm climbing to the top
Just give me a few months to get where I want be
You want to join in this journey
Come tag along with me
Here goes nothing
or maybe here goes everything
You will never know unless you try
I'm ready, fat its time to go BYE BYE....

I tried to do a little something different today with my blog. I hope that you all enjoyed it.
I love you for reading...
See you tomorrow!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

This journey

Why continue to put off getting fit? Laziness, no determination, no will power. There are so many

Fresh after my T-25 workout!!!
reasons. I am not willing to continue on this path of feeling and looking horrible. I have others that depend on me everyday. If I am not at my best how can I help them to be their best? It cant be done.

I am starting my journey starting today. 09/18/2014. Its my time to get in the best shape of my life. I am committing myself to a fitness challenge with my favorite You Tuber GabeandBabeTV. Starting today I restarted T-25 and this time I am fully committed to the program and my well being.

I don't know exactly what each day is going to bring, but I am not giving up on "ME". As a person that battles every day with anxiety and panic attacks I've learned working out helps for me. I'm not saying that it is going to be easy at all, but I do know that the only person that can stop me is me. Joining Gabe and many other strong beautiful women is definitely a  plus for me. I need an accountability group that will make sure I don't fall off.

If any of you are looking for motivation and need that extra push I recommend you checking out Gabe's journey. It has made me look at life much different. If she can get it in we all can too. She is a full time mom and full time you tuber, not to mention a full time amazing wife. We can all learn a lot from her and her beautiful family.

After Logan!!!
Today is the day, and I am excited. This is a journey not only for me, but my wonderful husband is doing it too. I am very excited for our health.  Shawn has been having a lot of high blood pressure issues and I alot of dizziness associated with stomach issues. It is time to fell better and look better.

Here it goes everyone. 1...2...3... Blast off!!! I love you all for reading.

I am being realistic in my goals. This round of T-25 I am not going to look for just numbers. I want to feel good and look good. Not based on a set number.

Starting weight:207 pds
Time Frame:As long as it takes. I am not giving up

Check out Gabes journey!!!