Monday, September 21, 2015

Who knew?

I did not start this blog for money or for fame like some do. I decided to open my heart and use this
This is me!!!

as an outlet for myself to hopefully relate to someone other than myself. No one focus, just raw honest truth. Allowing myself a platform to inspire others to do what makes them happy.

Writing has always been a way of expression for me, when I feel like I cant say what I feel I just write. Most don't know this, but I have always been afraid of judgement against me. A fear of people not excepting me for ME! Even though I seem like I have it all together and could care less what people think of me, I really and truly have always cared. That is something I am constantly working on. Writing is just one of many of my loves.

When I was younger I wanted to be only one thing (a teacher) because I thought that, that was all one could do... ONE thing!!! I mean who knew that people could juggle more than one love? I sure as heck didn't. That is until I graduated from high school and went through the loss of my first pregnancy. I was not sure if my loss had me confused about the career I wanted or if indeed there was no one particular job out there for me...

For a while after my loss, I battled with career paths. A few months after my miscarriage I found out that I was expecting again. While I was scared and nervous about being pregnant once again, I knew that I wanted a career. I needed a career, after all I was expecting a blessing. So, I started college. I was going to be a teacher. While in school I noticed that I was not that satisfied with the career choice that I had chose because honestly teachers are over worked and very much underpaid.... I decided that I was going to change my career because I was unhappy with my choice. I meet with my career counselor to help me set up courses that I needed to become a crime scene investigator. I started my classes only to find myself saying "girl you cant pass the physical portion of this job" so guess what I did???????

Yep, you guessed it... ON TO THE NEXT CAREER.... I made sure that this time I was not going to waste my time but get that education I wanted so that I could have the career I have always dreamed about. I met with my career counselor again and talked about some options for me.

Now by this time I had already had my first child and was now pregnant with my second. I not only wanted a career but, felt like I needed it more than ever. I went to school during the summer and did very well, but once I had my second daughter I decided to stay home and put my career on hold.

I loved being a mommy, but hated that I felt like a complete failure. While all my other friends were at college I was at home raising babies and letting my man take care of the household financially (ladies I felt like a complete and utter mess). That was until one day a great friend of mine that went to school to become a Medical Assistant told me all about it. I instantly was in love. Who knew that in less than a year I could have a job in the Medical field and still be a mom and a wife?

My friend went with me to check out a school and helped me to get on track to start my career. I signed up for school and let me tell you I did very well. I was a mentor in my class as well as a
4.0 student with perfect attendance and honor roll. It felt great to graduate at the top of my class, but that was short lived. I put my heart in my schooling but, all the jobs out there when I graduated were not what I had expected.

Still feeling unfulfilled in my career path, I chose to go back to school. I was so excited because now I was going to go and work hard to become a Physician Assistant. Yes, honey I was going to provide a better life for my wonderful family. Until, the school I lived by didn't offer any classes for my career of choice. I would have to drive well over an hour and a half just for school. I could not do that I had two little ones under the age of 3. Again, I felt unfulfilled and defeated.

So, here I am now a mother of 3 and wanting to go back to school. I thought hey one of my favorite things in this world is cooking. I can go to culinary arts school because honey she can cook. That is until my world stopped when I found out that my favorite school on this planet wants $40,000. That is not with interest honey.... I nearly passed out and while I really was considering it, I thought to myself.... "Now Kayleigh, is this smart of you to do? How are you going to be able to pay that off? Will you be able to find a great job in this field? Will you ever have financial freedom if you take loans out like that?" This all came to my mind. So I posted on Facebook to see if anyone could give me some true insight on this school. It seems as though I had no one in my corner to help with insight even though I know people that have attended here, but that is neither here nor there (get out of your feelings girl).

I decided that I was not going to go because I don't want to put myself or leave my family in debt because I want to go this school. Then all of a sudden a light bulb came on and I finally figured out why I had to go through all of these career changes.....

Because, none of these one jobs are for me on there own. I am a teacher to my children each and everyday. From the moment they wake to the moment the go to bed. Even then I am still a teacher, because I am correcting homework and looking over at their work from the day. I am a crime scene investigator when I tackle their room (Lord help me in there, LOL) trying to figure out what the hell happened. When they are sick and not feeling well I am their Medical Assistant (Nurse Mommy to the rescue). I nurse them back to health because that is what mommies do.... Last but not least, I am my own chef. Who said that I needed to go to culinary arts school to be a chef? No one. I am chef mommy.

The reason I wanted to write this today is because I feel like someone needs to hear this (well, technically read this). Your life is not over because you have had obstacles in your way. Look at it from all angles. I promise that it will all come together in the end.

The next chapter in my book...

I am not sure if anyone actually reads these or not, but I still feel a need to share...

I started my journey a little over a month now and boy has it been rough for me. I knew it wasn't going to be easy when I started and I am not expecting it to be, but I really want to see results. I am working out hard and eating clean. Before I get into full detail let me give you a little back story to why I decided to embark on this next chapter in my life...

Since giving birth to my beautiful baby boy I have noticed a dramatic change in my body and have lost myself. I don't remember it being this hard with my first two, which are my princesses. I have tried to start working out many of times and then a week into it I become unmotivated to continue. So, I do what is easy and give up... Not very smart of me, but at least I can become transparent with you all (whoever you are)...

So, once we finally made the decision that we are staying in Nevada, I located a doctor and made an appointment. A little disclaimer (Don't wait until everything in your body is going wrong, I should have went over a year ago before I actually saw my physician, but I was scared to hear what the doctor would tell me).  I had been having chest pains for quite sometime and was always tired and out of breath, even if I was just walking up the stairs to my house. I started to always taste salt in my food (like everything, even if no salt was added to it). I would swell up even though I have always watched my salt in take (I cant even wear my whole wedding ring, I am only wearing one band). Always dizzy and very off balance. I knew things were off with myself.

I met with my doctor and explained all my concerns and he actually listened to me (I have worked for many doctors that don't). He ordered tests and sent referral's immediately. He told me that it would take a few weeks of course to get approvals but, in the mean time to go do blood work.

Although I have not been to all my appointments yet because they don't have many new appointments open right away, I did get my blood work back. I received a letter in the mail explaining that I am pre-diabetic and some instruction for me, also that I needed to follow up with my doctor as soon as possible.

I meet with him and we went over a few things that I could do to insure that I wont become a diabetic. Foods to stay away from, as well as some exercises that I never knew could help. I went to MA school (Medical Assisting) and never heard that weight training and resistant band training can help the diabetes flee. I have also changed the way that I eat. I am very consistent with watching all starches, because they are very bad for you.

So while I am still waiting on future tests for all my other issues I figured now is the time to get healthy.

A few things that I have changed:

  • no fried foods
  • no soda or added sugar drinks
  • cutting out white rice, pasta, potatoes and white bread
  • nothing greasy
  • working out (at least 30 mins cardio everyday, and weight training/resistant band as well)
  • did I mention WATER!!!
There is a lot that is going into this journey but, this is just some of it. I have a beautiful family that needs me and how can I be here for them if I am not healthy? I cant. So, I would love to start an accountability group, If anyone reading this is interested please let me know, and I will do a blog about it... 

Thank you all for taking the time to read  my blogs and know that I love you all for reading... TTYL!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A Journey, A Lifestyle

Have you ever wanted something so bad and cant seem to figure out why you are not getting the results you want? When you really sit and think about it you are only dedicated to working maybe 33% of you time for that goal? I think we have all been there. Its always something... "Im too busy, I have too many kids, I am tired.". You know its true!!!

The reason I ask today is because I am not were I want to be nor have I ever been happy about were I am. I feel like I try and try but yet I am still stuck... I know that I have been gone for a while on blogging and I definitely needed to be. I have had a few things that have been happening in my life and now that I understand what to do I am ready but, that is for another blog....

I want to help you get to a place of new beginnings. First things first you need to have a mindset for change... That is the key to being successful in your journey. That is what this is "A JOURNEY, A LIFESTYLE."

Right before you begin this journey I strongly suggest that you go to your primary doctor and make sure that your health is okay. Now remember what works for one might not work for you (I have learned this). Now you can start easing your way into this journey before your doctors appointment, but remember to start out slow.

Some people like to go cold turkey and then they wonder why they end up falling off around week 2 or 3. Slow and steady is the best way to begin.  Now here are the steps.

  1. Meditation (This is all about your mindset)
  2. Changing bad habits (Drinking everyday, smoking, etc.)
  3. Clean eating (fruit instead of candy)
  4. Working out (Fuels energy)
  5. Dedication/ Perseverance (Sticking with it and pushing forward)
  6. Food journal (What am I eating?) 
  7. Accountability group (People that are in your corner)

It is a start that everyone needs to take, lets do this together. Who is with me? If your ready to change your life today let me know. I am here to help you in this journey. I am still in mine and would love some great company.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Am I the only one?

It seems like there are not enough hours in the day to do all the things you want to and need to do. You wake up get yourself ready and then the kids. Give them breakfast, drop them off at school (if they are in school) and then run errands. By which now it is time to go to work. You do your job then get off and get home around 9:40 pm or later, eat dinner hop in the shower and sit down to relax and realize you didn't get everything accomplished.

Mimi and Riah!!!
Am I the only one that feels like this? I cant be!!! I would not change my life for anything even  though I am sure I have big bags under my eyes, half my makeup smeared off and I'm sure my kids are climbing up the walls, lol. I am just kidding people, calm down already................

Well now that the kids are out of school and its time to prep them for next year. I am so excited to be having two children in elementary now. Riah just got her final grades in and she has made me very proud. She made Honor Roll again. That makes for all year!!! My baby is doing so well in school. I couldn't be any more proud of her.

Mimi is counting down the days now till Kinder. My big baby girl has been so patient when it comes to school. She is already 5, but because of being a December baby she had to wait. She keeps asking "Is school tomorrow?" LOL!!! My big baby girl cant wait.

Logey Bear!!!
Logey Bear is finally walking everywhere. You cant get that boy to sit, but when he is sleeping. It is the cutest thing ever in life. He kind of runs while walking, if you can picture that. It is a beautiful thing. People always say that each baby is different and it is so true. This baby is truly a boy, Wholeheartedly. He lets you know when he is mad. I am working on him right now with his cute but very hard attitude. He has a thing for hitting and throwing things when you tell him "no". So, with that being said we are working with him right now.

My life is so full right now and I am truly blessed. Regardless of the craziness I call "LIFE" it is my life and I am grateful to be in it. I love my beautiful family. It is all mine!!!

I love you for reading and I hope that you enjoyed... Till next time... Peace, Love and Blessings!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Finally, Back again!!!

I am so excited to be back!!!
That moment that you sit back and say to yourself " Why am I wasting time and not doing the things that I love?"... I started this blog because I had things to say and I wanted to be able to help other moms and or women in general. What is going on Kay?

Well, everyone if anyone even cares "I AM BACK!!!".

I have been wondering when I would get the strength to get back at it and now I feel great. It has been so long..... I guess I should catch everyone up on what has been going on...

For one I am no longer a stay at home mom anymore ( I actually do miss it) this momma is a working...LOL. My oldest is almost finished with first grade and has maintained A/B Honors all year long (proud mommy moment). My second daughter is getting anxious for kinder next year, she even asked "Do I start tomorrow?" to the lady in the office, and my baby boy is already 1 and walking around getting into everything. I tell you I don't know where the time has gone. Next thing I know they are going to be asking "Mom, can I go out with my friends?", and I will be home crying my eyes out because my home is empty...

I tell you hold onto them and enjoy every moment you have with them. They are so special and precious to me. I am truly a blessed women.

I for one am looking forward to an amazing summer. With the trials and tribulations that I have experienced in 2014/2015 thus far, I am grateful I haven't jumped of the ledge (metaphorically speaking people). Well with that being said I just summed up very briefly what has been going on in our lives and I cant wait to get back into the world of blogging. I love it very much and cant wait to poor my heart back into it....